Location: Paris, France
Ladies and gentlemen, the Shareholders of the company Valneva SE (the “Company”) have been invited to attend the Combined Shareholders' Meeting on June 27, 2019 at 2:00 p.m., at the Hotel InterContinental Paris - Le Grand, 2 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris - France.
- Agenda
- Preliminary notice of meeting published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (FR only)
- Authorizations for capital increases
- Draft Resolutions
- Management Report to the AGM
- Current members of the Boards
- Summary on the Group Situation
- 2018 Separate financial statements, including the Statutory Auditors Report
- 2018 Consolidated financial statements, including the Statutory Auditors Report
- Annual Management Report 2018
- Results of the Company for the last five years
- Document request form
- Allocation of net income
- Vote by mail or proxy form & related booklet
- Special Management Board reports to the Ordinary General Meeting (Articles L. 225-177 to L. 225-186 of the French Commercial code and L. 225-197-1 to L. 225-197-4 of the French Commercial code)
- Reports by the Supervisory Board
- Auditors' reports to the General Meeting
- Additional report of the Management Board (in French only)
- Statutory Auditors' statement on the information related to the highest paid compensation in 2018
- Number of voting rights at the publication date of the preliminary notice of Meeting in the BALO
- Nombre de droits de vote à la date de publication de l'avis préalable au BALO
- AGM Presentation June 27, 2019
- Voting Results