Our Code of Conduct & Ethics

Valneva is committed to conducting business ethically and responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board have adopted this Code of Conduct & Ethics, because they firmly believe it is in the long-term interest of Valneva for business to be conducted in compliance with the principles and Valneva values set out in the Code of Conduct & Ethics.

Pour afficher le code de conduite Valneva & Ethics, cliquez ici .

Our Code of Conduct for Business Partners

As a signatory of the UN global compact, Valneva is committed to supporting and applying fundamental principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environmental protection, and anti-corruption. These principles, detailed in this Code of Conduct, are part and parcel of Valneva’s relations-management practices for current and future Business Partners.

To view Valneva’s Business Partners Code of Conduct, cliquez ici .

Our Policies & Ethics Policies

La conformité d'entreprise & Ethics framework at Valneva consists of additional policies including the Global Anti Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, the Global Conflicts of Interest Policy, the Data Protection Policy, the Global Anti-Harassment, Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policy and the Non-Retaliation and Non-Retribution Policy.

Third Party Compliance Information

Valneva expects third-party suppliers, service providers, agents, consultants, distributors and business partners to also conduct business ethically and responsibly and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

Below are links to several short 5 – 8 minute training modules which provide valuable guidance with regard to anti-bribery and anti-corruption and related compliance topics including the Code of Conduct & Ethics, confidential information, gift giving, conflicts of interest and political activity.

If your company has been provided a questionnaire by Valneva to complete, you will be asked to certify that you have viewed all of the provided training modules below. Valneva vous remercie pour votre participation active à la conformité de l'entreprise & Ethics program.

You may click on the links below to view each training module.

Valneva Anti-Corruption Basics for Third Parties

Valneva Anti-Corruption Reporting and Records for Third Parties

Valneva Code of Conduct Basics

Valneva Confidential Information

Valneva étrennes & réception

Valneva Conflicts of Interest